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Scissor. Paper. Rock.

Scissor. Paper. Rock. is a full-stack application where users can play the classic hand game - Rock paper scissors straight from their device. You can choose to play by yourself (Single Player) or challenge a friend remotely(Multiplayer). The application is using Sockets.io under the hood allowing users to interact in real-time.

  • React
  • Context API
  • Socket.io
  • Firebase
  • Express
  • Responsive


BookList is a full-stack e-commerce web app I created for a potential client - a start-up looking to offer audiobooks soon. The app uses Redux to manage state, Redux-Sagas to handle side-effects and dispatch actions, Stripe to manage payments that connect to a back-end API and Firebase for data storage and user authentication.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux-Sagas
  • Firebase
  • Express
  • Sass
  • Jest
  • Responsive
  • Enzyme


NSFWcheck is a full-stack web app that allows users to check if a site contains NSFW(Not-Safe-For-Work) images. It has a React.js frontend and connects to an express API I created. The API does the processing of the image search and returns the decision.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Jest
  • Responsive
  • Enzyme
  • Puppeteer
  • Cheerio